Members' Information

Members' Information 

Safeguarding, Data Protection & DBS 
The Scout Association and the Group are all committed to the safety and security of our young people. We consider the safety of our Beavers, Cubs & Scouts to be of paramount concern. Disclosure and Barring Service checks (formally CRB checks) are therefore an important part of our approach to safeguarding young people. Adults who help regularly are DBS checked, Parent helpers on our rota do not need to be unless they stay on overnight activities.

Membership Subscription

The cost of Scouting membership with 3rd WB is £150 per person, per year. It is the same whether a Beaver, a Cub or a Scout. In the same month that your child joins us, please organise a recurring monthly payment of £12.50  by arranging a Standing Order using the Group's bank details: (Please ensure you include your child's name in the reference box.)

Barclays Bank,   Account Name:-3rd West Bridgford (Friary) Scout Group, Account No:- 90955817, Sort Code:- 20-63-25

Please bear in mind that Scout groups are required to pay £45 per member to Scouting UK each year, and the remainder of your subscription cost covers hire and upkeep of our hall and equipment. *Trips, camps and external activities are usually charged separately with advance notice. We don’t want young people to miss out through financial hardship. If concerns about finances may prevent your child taking part in some activities, speak to the GSL, as some assistance may be available in confidence. 

We are often asked how the capitation fee (Membership Fee) is used. It is paid to the Scout Association to contribute towards the cost of supporting Scouting UK-wide. The District, County and National organisations each make a charge and in 2021 we anticipate little or no change in the District and County levy. The fee is used to pay for buildings, rentals, administration costs and for supporting and promoting Scouting activities. Insurance is a significant cost overhead

Gift Aid

Gift Aid is a simple government initiative which allows donors to increase the value of their donations at no extra cost to them. For every pound given, charities can get an extra 25 pence from HM Revenue & Customs, helping donations go further. Please complete and return the Gift Aid form, downloadable at the top of the page.

Uniform & Scout Shop 
During meetings we expect your child to attend in uniform ‘from the waist up’. 
Beavers - Turquoise sweatshirt and Group neckerchief; · Cub Scouts - Dark green sweatshirt and Group neckerchief; · Scouts - Teal green smart shirt, Scout belt and Group neckerchief.

For events where the full uniform is required, Scout activity trousers or dark grey / black ‘school’ type trousers / skirt would be more than adequate. Kit lists and other clothing requirements will be provided for events and camps. A Group Neckerchief and Group Badge is provided when your child is invested. All the additional badges they will attain are also provided by us as part of your subscription. To purchase the uniform, please visit our Scout shop: 

How Can I Help? FAQs

  • Do I really have the skills you need?

    You don’t have to be an adventurer like Bear Grylls , our Chief Scout, to get involved with Scouting. Do you have first aid knowledge? Are you good with numbers? Handy in the kitchen? Or are you a DIY whizz? We all have useful skills and you can volunteer and help in many ways.

  • What if I don't have much spare time?

    Volunteering with us is easy, fun and flexible – how much time you give is completely up to you. Whether you help out once a fortnight, month or term or just at special events or camps, there is bound to be a role you can play, and no matter how you get involved, we'll make sure you're properly trained and supported.

  • What will I get from volunteering?

    As well as gaining externally recognised skills and having a brilliant time, Scouting also offers the chance to build on personal skills, like teamwork, confidence and leadership. A study found that over 90% of our volunteers believe that the skills and experiences they have gained through Scouting have been of relevance to their working or personal lives. You could also join Scout Active Support unit that gives support to whole district on occasion as needed.

  • My child is a member - Can I help?

    The short answer is yes. Many of our helpers and leaders are parents of our youth members because they’ve seen firsthand how Scouting benefits young people and want to give something back. It’s also a chance to spend more time with your children and learn new skills. Speak to your child’s leader to discuss how you might become involved.

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